The newest CAL starts tomorrow! This is going to be a good one. Emily has created her own font, and turned it into an entire alphabet of crochet patterns! It’s so wonderful. You can make these and add them to blankets & pillows, or even a beanie!
Grab your hooks and head on over to Crochet-A-Long with Us! – CAL/Crochet Along Group!
The featured designer for this crochet along is Emily Lagler of The Homemaker by Emily. I’m so sorry I am behind on getting this post out there, but you are welcome to join the CAL any time you’d like. We use Units in the group and they stay up forever!!
Notes from Emily, the Designer:
This CAL starts February 22, 2019 and runs through February 28, 2019.
We will be making the word ‘hello’ featuring my Angels & Rainbows font crochet alphabet.
Make sure to grab the pattern before we get started:
Use coupon code HELLOCAL for $2.00 off the pattern.
You can post any questions as well as pics of your progress and finished projects over in the Unit for this CAL:
I look forward to crochet with everyone and seeing the creative projects you make with this pattern!
Happy making!
Hope to see you there!