Crochet Stitch Calculator graphic, how many chains do I need?

Crochet Stitch Calculator – calculate your stitch multiples to fit your desired project size

Are you a crochet designer? | Are you a beginner who wants to learn to create your own designs? | Do you love crochet, but not good at reading patterns? | Do you want to create a design without worrying about a pattern and just wing it!

This is the calculator for you.

As a designer, I love to create patterns from scratch.  This takes a lot of trial and error for sure, but a few years ago I purchased the Crochet Stitch Bible for stitch inspiration and learn new, fun stitches.

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how to make the perfect pom pom

Make the Perfect Pom Pom ~ crochet photo tutorial

Hi friends! I scoured the internet for how to make the perfect pom pom for my crochet hats. There were loads of tutorials, but they seemed a little over-complicated. Some require a pom pom maker…contraption that looks like it will cut me. lol. So I created an easy DIY way to do it, without fancy contraptions. Enjoy! DIY Pom Pom Tutorial